Group Yoga and 1:1 Lessons


To connect the body, mind, and soul.

To engage the breath, muscles, nerves, and sinews in harmony, calling forth a psychosomatic symphony of bliss.

To move one step ahead of the sheer primal rage and terror of animal existence.

Truly, yoga has something for everyone.

Some love it, some love to hate it, some think they can’t do it, some think it is devil worship (maybe they sat in chair pose too long?)

Whichever camp you fall into, I offer group yoga & meditation classes that deepen awareness, address physical and psychosomatic complaints, and leave you curling out of Savasana with a blissful glow.

Ready to book a group class?

I offer a limited amount of 1:1 personal Yoga classes. These are a full immersion into all levels of yoga. Most of our time together will be spent in guided asana and meditation, with an open door for curiosity about the philosophical and spiritual aspects.

5 Classes: $500

10 Classes: $950

Reach out to inquire about availability.